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Feedback regarding Opalstack's services.
Opalstack fast customer support for fast fpm-php platform
grant multiple shell users access to the same application through the dashboard
Media Storage like Spaces
Acces to remove logs (of non existing sites/apps)
Excellent customer support from opalstack for high performance platform
Add the option to drop cascade in the PostgreSQL adminer
Seeing symlink path in dashboard?
It would be useful to have some support for basic analytics tools
RAM Usage Graph Colour
Mailbox Password Management Request
Honesty to hank for opalstack in all actions and solutions
Directly after login to given URL going feature
Reply-chain grouping is a missing feature in Roundcube (just saying)
Please show disk quota in dashboard
Forwarding routes and blacklisting status revealed to the world
WF is in my rear view mirror
Thank you, Opalstack!
Bulk add domains
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