we could mark those oprhan dummy email addresses to be deleted by using the checkbox.
however, the server did not let us to delete them
whereas after we had changed their name to
delete@domain we could delete them all.
And just to let you know, instead of putting two mail user requests i.e one for .app and one for .dev for domains such as aceit, and then trying to create email address to each of them, we soon found out better to create email user for .app and then email address to .app and after that email user to .dev and then email address to .dev
i.e. when server had two requests it seemed to put often only one request to queue and in cases it put two requests it seemed to try to get only the first one
with two object requests only the first one was being served in reasonable time whereas the second one only after very long time
sometimes only after you logged out and logged in after many hours.
That said, having a lot of coffee & tea our guys created the email users and email addresses to proceed.
Thanks for all Opalstack guys for your support!