It is good to know all opalstack servers
are fully equipped to meet
the requirements of the new Alma distro
of Linux OS.
To have edge devices ready for the new
Linux distro Alma I needed to get the
following information about the
opalstack vps server in SF/CA
which will run the same vps plan
as currently with CentOS:
[1] algoritms installed in your first build ?
(a) security ones ?
(b) others ?
[2[ versions of each [1] ?
[3] edge OS needed for [1] &[2]
(a) Android OS smart phone version ?
(b) Ubuntu OS laptop version ?
(c) Windows OS version ?
(d) Alma Linux PC version ?
[4] edge device sdk tools versions for [1] & [2]
(a) FileZilla ?
(b) Termius ?
The above information is valuable
to know whether
[5] edge device has to be changed !?
due to OS change
(a) ref: several laptops had to be changed
due to the algorithm
upgrade in the opalstack Linux
distro CentOS
(b) some PCs outdated to upgrade OS
which newer Python version requires
[6] edge OS has to be changed !?
(a) some Ubuntu versions may be upgradable
still keeping the same edge device hardware
[7] Filezilla ftp has to be changed !?
(a) some Filezilla versions may be upgradable
without having to upgrade Ubuntu
[8] Python versions required in edge devices ?
(a) for Linux distro Alma API ?
Above is just a short list about
challenges upgrading edge
devices for the new Linux
distro Alma server.
So, any valuable information such you
guys already have given is welcome !
Good luck building the software platform
powered by the Linux distro Alma !