How are you managing @xamax ?
Can you see how many nodes you are running?
Probably due to me installing my own node, I seem to have 2 running.
$ pgrep -a -f node
1234 /home/myuser/opt/bin/node /home/myuser/apps/nodeappfolder/strapiinstall/node_modules/.bin/strapi develop
12345 node /home/myuser/apps/nodeappfolder/strapiinstall/node_modules/.bin/strapi develop
The first is my installation of node v14 which Strapi needs. Running 2 nodes appears to have no ill effects, but looks wrong to me. And I've renamed the default node folder and so suspect it does nothing (or there is a big pile of error messages somewhere).
Also, I have a node folder in 'nodeappfolder' which is v14.17.0 in my latest strapi installation (yesterday) - I'm not sure if my other node installs had v10 in here. Again, this could be some weird thing that happens because I've got my own Node. Or v10 has been upgraded for new installs.
Finally, I've noticed that the node installation puts the Start in a cronjob and still references App.js
/usr/sbin/daemonize -c /home/myuser/apps/nodeappfolder -e ~/logs/apps/nodeappfolder/node_error.log -o ~/logs/apps/nodeappfolder/node_output.log -p $PIDFILE $NODE app.js
Again, I've renamed app.js as I don't want it to run, I get an error in node_error.log every 10 minutes due to the cronjob looking for it. Giving I'm using pm2 then I suspect the Start is sort of irrelevant, although it appears to be necessary to run my own Node - as below: and if v14.17 is the new default, maybe I shouldn't be doing this.
And maybe I should kill the cronjob - but maybe this is needed to 'remind' the system to use my /opt/bin/node....