In one of my earlier posts.
pm2 start "npm run develop" --name yourstrapiapp
Another bonus. Look into graphql. I'd always avoided it as being yet another tech to learn to add to many dozens (no exaggeration) that are calling for my attention. But tried it in nuxt/vue and its pretty easy and efficient too I think.
Easy to install
Empty .cache (it tends to help) then from your strapi folder.
$ npm run strapi install graphql
Then stop and start using pm2.
You can then do the following to open a thing called Playground. It's a great tool to test queries.
Then commands like this to query your Strapi db. The query you test out can then be used in your frontend weapon of choice. This is a typical Articles query.
query Articles ($slug: String!) { articles (where: { slug: $slug })
{ id, Title, FeaturedImage { formats },
products { ProductName FeaturedImage { url formats }
} } }
And note at the bottom of the window Query Variable to pass in the variable (in this case the url of the child page).
{ "slug": "article-1" }