What is the difference between Opalstack managing a WordPress site URL and not managing it? The docs state not to allow management if you have multiple domains attached to a site. What constitutes multiple domains?

  • sean replied to this.

    Van if you select the management option our system will automatically configure the internal home and siteurl options for your WP app.

    "multiple domains" means exactly that, ie more than one domain assigned to the site.

    • Van replied to this.

      sean What does "automatically configure" mean though? I've added Opalstack's nameservers to my domain name provider account, so should I disable the option to allow Opalstack to manage the WordPress site URLs?

      The reason I'm asking is that I can access my site, but things appear to be broken and the URL's I'm seeing are what existed when I migrated my site. Now that could be one of two things: Opalstack managing my site URLs, or the Update URLs plugin I used to temporarily change the URLs throughout my blog site didn't work right when I changed everything back to my actual domain name.

      • sean replied to this.

        Van "automatically configure" means that we have a script that runs after you edit your site configuration at https://my.opalstack.com/domains/. If you have the option enabled, then the script will run and update your WP home and siteurl options database to set the WP domain to your site domain.

        It does not update URLs for your media and other content, and it doesn't do anything related to your DNS.

        If your site domain isn't working correctly then you can run the following commands as your app's shell user to try to correct it:

        # change name_of_app to your app name
        cd ~/apps/name_of_app
        # change domain.com to your site domain or subdomain
        wp option set home https://domain.com
        wp option set siteurl https://domain.com

        If you've set the site domain correctly and your content still appears to be broken then use your browser's dev tools to see exactly what URLs the broken items are using. That should give you some idea of how to proceed with troubleshooting.

        • Van replied to this.

          sean My site isn't working because I did not disable QUIC.cloud CDN correctly. I'm still waiting for guidance to get that sorted out. Right now, I'm unable to access my site or the WP Admin login under my other hosting provider; very frustrating.

          I'm not sure how the Opalstack script works and maybe it only runs when a WordPress app is first created. I wiped the Opalstack WordPress installs prior to bringing in the WordPress files from my other site. I also deleted all of the database tables (wp_) that were created by the Opalstack WordPress installs. wp_options under my Opalstack WordPress installs shows the real domain for my sites, not the Opalstack generated sites.

          • nick replied to this.


            Please note, if you require support, you may email us at support@opalstack.com any time so that we can look deeper into any issues you may have.

            Thank you nick. My issue involved my other hosting provider and a CNAME record for the QUIC.cloud CDN service. Opalstack wasn't responsible for helping me with that and probably couldn't have helped me since the issue wasn't Opalstack's.

            I also think the forums are a good place to ask general tech support questions and to get assistance for easy issues. That way, others can learn without the tech support department getting peppered by the same questions repeatedly.
