I've been thinking about setting up my own private cloud for a while now and when I saw the tutorial on running Nextcloud on Opalstack, I felt overloaded with joy. I have a few questions for use case I want to work towards.
Is it possible to connect several nextcloud-instances, hosted on different servers and domains?
I'm looking for a cost-effective way of having at least 1TB of cloudspace.
Hetzner offers Storage Boxes (https://www.hetzner.com/storage/storage-box). They come without Nextcloud, so I assume I could just 'mount' them in the interface?
Hetzner also offers Storage Shares (https://www.hetzner.com/storage/storage-share). Those instances are Nextcloud, but without the other connectionprotocols. Can they connect and share data?
Or maybe Opalstack could offer storagesolutions in the future as well ?
Is it possible to run a Calibre-Web-app on Opalstack and connect to a folder within a Nextcloud-app?
I would like to manage and host my own ebooklibrary, or maybe multiple libraries for different users.
And I'm wondering if the ebook-files could be shared between users, without sharing the annotations made by users.
I know some questions might be beyond the scope of traditional support. But maybe someone already figured these things out. I haven't actively used Nextcloud yet. I tried it out years ago, but more or less new to the whole setup.