karol Is there an uptime SLA in opalstack? I would require something close to 99.9% uptime per year. Thanks, Karol
sean karol we don't have a SLA at this time but I can confirm that our 12-month uptime exceeds 99.9%. Hope this helps 🙂
houdinihound karol Been with Opalstack since pretty much the beginning with two servers (US and EU). Can confirm Sean's comment that uptime has exceeded 99.9%, at least on my two servers. HTH,
sinkdevelopers sean Hi Sean, its been a year, do you know if you have an SLA or at least a page we can point people to who ask for statistics about this? Thx.
sean sinkdevelopers we still don't have a SLA and there aren't plans to make one at this time. At some point we're going to overhaul our status page and may include uptime statistics there. Our 12-month uptime remains >99.9%.