I have migrated to Opalstack earlier this year. My small business uses Gmail as its email client, and the accounts are all free Gmail accounts. So I create email accounts in the Opalstack control panel, and use the Gmail SMTP setup. All fine.
EXCEPT that we've been having a huge SPAM problem lately. We're getting our emails marked as spam by Gmail WAY more often, not only when emailing to customers, but also when emailing each other! It's ridiculous... my staff and I regularly email each other on a daily basis about all sorts of issues (none of it automated, and we're in each others' address books), and suddenly even these emails are regularly getting marked as spam!
Clicking "Not Spam" in Gmail doesn't seem to help much.
I actually do want to continue to use Gmail, and i suspect that the problem is that we're using free accounts. Will using Google Workspace Suite fix this problem? And if so, will the transition from free to paid be fairly easy? Will there be much required on the Opalstack side?
I'm trying to find these answers on the Google Workspace pages and struggling.