Webfaction shut down my account before i was able to complete the auto migration. I don't remember my SSH password and I no longer have access to viewing or editing it on webfaction. I'm still able to FTP in and view my files, just not connect using SSH per the auto migration tutorial.

I was able to download a backup copy of all my files via FTP and have them on my computer.

Is it feasible to recreate my website on opalstack using these source files? And if so, how would I go about that?

Thank you!

  • sean replied to this.

    You would need to do a mysqldump of your Wordpress related MySQL database too.

    There should be phpMyAdmin at https://web180.webfaction.com/phpMyAdmin or something similar - I don't recollect the exact URL. Enter your MySQL username and password (copy the username and password from wp-config.php) and export the data of the WordPress database.


    1. Create a new WP app in your Opalstack dashboard: https://docs.opalstack.com/topic-guides/wordpress/#installation
    2. Add your domain: https://docs.opalstack.com/user-guide/domains/#adding-domains
    3. Add a site to serve the app on your domain: https://docs.opalstack.com/user-guide/sites/#adding-sites
    4. Export your database at your old host.
    5. Copy your DB export and your Wordpress files from your old host to your app directory here at Opalstack.
    6. Import your DB to your WP app's database: https://docs.opalstack.com/user-guide/mariadb-databases/#importing-mariadb-databases (we use MariaDB for MySQL here).
    7. When you're ready, point the domain at Opalstack: https://docs.opalstack.com/user-guide/domains/#pointing-your-domain-at-opalstack

    I did this very recently for 3 wordpress websites.

    Worked great with one thing I had to remember....

    MAKE SURE your database has the same exact name on both servers... otherwise you may have to open the .SQL dump text file and do a find-and-replace for all mentions of the old database name to the new database name.

    Also, make sure your database username is the same, and the database password is the same. If you want to change or update these, you can edit the wp_config.php file then upload that to the new server. I save the old version...

    Given that webfaction is gone, this may be no longer meaningful for many people.... but manual migration isn't that hard in my experience and may be good for future migration from other webhosts.....

    a year later

    I'm wondering, which procedure needs to be done in the manual migration of a WordPress site but to a site already created.

    I mean, I have an old WordPress installation in opalstack, and the designers made a new one in their own server, which I need to migrate to Opalstack. Which procedure have I to follow?

    thanks in advance

    • nick replied to this.


      It would be better to migrate the site into a new app rather than an old one, so I would start fresh as per Sean's instructions. Just re-assign the domains to the new app once it's ready if you are using it for an existing site, ie the old one.
