Hi everyone,
I'm looking for tips for Installing Flarum.
One of my clients would like a product-support forum installed as a subdomain. I saw that Sean installed Flarum on the server to power this community. I found this old post by a mysterious person named "Opalsean" So I know we can install this here hypothetically. It may even appear as a one-click someday, but in the meantime I want to get a forum up and running.
I've been looking for a good tutorial or guide that can apply to our shared hosting environment. Most of the tutorials I can find have us installing dependency managers and such. I don't think that's something we can do here. My SSH session doesn't seem to recognize composer.
$ composer -v
-bash: composer: command not found
Same for docker.
There is THIS thing which purports to being good for shared hosting, but I wanted to hear from the pros before moving forward.
Also this would involve pointing a subdomain to a possible subfolder or different app instance, and I'm not sure what practices would be best there also.
Any tips?