I appreciate the many improvements to the new UI of the Dashboard, thank you!
I have a question: how can I check the actual usage now?
If I can also add a suggestion, the dual-view seems a bit confusing initially, at least to me, since the upper part is unrelated to the lower part but they share the same navigation.
e.g. in the domains/websites page: I have a 2nd level domain in page 1 and its "www." 3rd level domain in page 8 and their corresponding sites in the lower table in page 2... so I have to go forth and back in the navigation just to get an idea of the actual configuration. I understand that the idea is to use the filter, but I miss a little the capability to get a general overview. Adding the possibility to increase the pagination size may mitigate this issue, maybe?
A part from some small details, the new UI is a sensible improvement in terms of speed and usability, I really like it. Thanks again and congratulations to your team for this major overhaul