We would appreciate your advice how to proceed in the following situation:
(S1) Stopped the php-fpm process serving the app
. stop <-- OK
(S2) Tested php-fpm process has stopped serving the web page
- 502 Bad Gateway <-- OK
(S3) Rerouted the app
(S4) Tested the updated rerouting
(S5) Contemplating how to continue in the situation where
- the web page is still working
- only references to it have bee deleted from other web sites
- fpm process has only been stopped
Question: in which order to update the server configurations ?
(Q1)Applications <-- https://my.opalstack.com/applications/
(a) Proxy Port - can it be deleted safely first, because the fpm process is stopped ?
(b) PHP-FPM - can it be deleted because for example emails are being served ?
(Q2)Site Routes <-- https://my.opalstack.com/routes/
(Q3)Domains & Subdomains <-- https://my.opalstack.com/domains/
- can these be deleted now ?
(Q4)Certificates & Keys <-- https://my.opalstack.com/certificates/
(Q5) DNS Records <-- https://my.opalstack.com/dns/
(Q6) Email Address <-- https://my.opalstack.com/mail/
- must be deleted first before Mail Users ?
(Q7) Mail Users <-- https://my.opalstack.com/mailusers/
- can be deleted only if the Email Addresses have been deleted ?
(Q8) Anything else to update and to take into account ?
- time needed by other servers such as mail servers ?
Thanks in advance for any advice!