Well, it is 07:00 in Wyoming and from the lack of reaction on any channels I assume they are indeed still sleeping with the monitoring system experiencing similar failure as before.
I do believe there are great people in OpalStack. And I believe they do their level best to make sure the servers are running smoothly. Problems however happen and cannot be avoided and after this experience I think we should demand 24/7 support or at least life monitoring. If this was only an isolated incident I would never consider such harsh action. But the problem has not been resolved despite numerous assurances. And we will be loosing clients and therefore OpalStack will loose clients too. Nobody wants to do a night shift. But we all do it when it is needed and this is one such case. If only to have someone monitor support channels and wake up the engineers once a month when a crisis hits.
I hope someone wakes up soon, clients are not happy and it is so frustrating not to be able to help them.