Now, slightly caffeinated, I can remember to add that in comparing raw message source between the originals and the dupes, in all cases there were only 2 lines different, lines 1 & 3 from the top. Times are PDT (UTC -0800).
From - Tue Dec 15 11:38:30 2020
X-UIDL: 000002c35f9dc849
From - Sun Jan 31 19:50:01 2021
X-UIDL: 0000061c5f9dc849
The "From -" is added, I believe, by TB. I don't know who is generating the X-UIDL, but it appears to be a breadcrumb (if not a smoking gun). ref: It's about 2/3 of the way down that page.
The original timestamps for all the dupes occurred in the 12/14/2020 - 1/31/2021 time frame, and were (re-)delivered between 19:50PDT and 20:10PDT 1/31/2021.
That's all I've got for now. If this is simply a one-off event from the server switch, then we'll just have to spend some time dupe hunting.
Ps. If you like I can send you a zip of a few original/dupe pairs of raw sources, but they all exhibit exactly the behavior shown above.