Post migration from WF, I ran into a "SQLSTATE[HY000]: General error: 1364 Field 'ip_address' doesn't have a default value" problem. It seems that it is an issue with database in strict mode. Is there a way I can check/edit this via the control panel? I'm not savvy with SSH. I'm using MariaDB and ExpressionEngine.

  • sean replied to this.

    octopus Yes, MariaDB is running in strict mode here.

    There's no way that you can turn it off via the dashboard.

    Many modern apps include a way to set the SQL mode in their own configuration, or avoid the problem altogether by specifying defaults in the database schema.

    If your app isn't able to do either of those then feel free to email support @ with the details and we'll try to help you find a workaround.

    I see! I'll write to the addon developer first then. Will email support if things don't work out.
    Thanks for the prompt reply as always!

    Just goto to phpMyAdmin and set the default value of that MySQL field to an empty string - ''
