I think something has broken with the migrator (or maybe WF?).
I just ran it (with simulate
) on the WF account/domain that I ran originally. Nothing has changed in the file.
Here's the readout:
2020-11-28 02:51:14 : INFO : Simulation started
2020-11-28 02:51:16 : WARNING : Email address EMAILADDRESSHERE points to nonexistent or excluded mailbox MAILBOXNAME
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/local/bin/wfmigrate", line 71, in <module>
File "/opt/app_migrators-1.6.2/wf_generic_email/", line 61, in run
File "/opt/app_migrators-1.6.2/wf_generic_email/", line 30, in simulate
File "/opt/app_migrators-1.6.2/lib/", line 137, in create_addresses
toretain, todelete, tocreate = self.opal_cfg.api.addresses.check_ensure(needed)
File "/opt/app_migrators-1.6.2/lib/", line 58, in check_ensure
existing = self.get_all()
File "/opt/app_migrators-1.6.2/lib/", line 166, in get_all
for existing_summary in self.api.get(self.model + '/list/', ensure_status=[200])[self.model + 's']
File "/opt/app_migrators-1.6.2/lib/", line 507, in get
return self.request_result(urlpath, None, 'GET', ensure_status)
File "/opt/app_migrators-1.6.2/lib/", line 503, in request_result
resp, result = self.request(urlpath, dataObj, method, ensure_status)
File "/opt/app_migrators-1.6.2/lib/", line 499, in request
raise RuntimeError(f'Unexpected status_code: {resp.status_code}')
RuntimeError: Unexpected status_code: 400
That initial 2020-11-28 02:51:16 : WARNING
makes total sense. I got it before and it's accurate.
But it's also how I know (I think) that the migrator IS connecting to WF. So something is happening after that, as the migrator tries to complete one of it's tasks.
Of the top of my head: Maybe OS has hit a rate-limit?
sean please run the sim with --loglevel debug added to the command and then amend your original post with the output, thanks.
I think this is the relevant portion:
2020-11-28 03:26:51 : DEBUG : performing GET mail/list/
2020-11-28 03:26:51 : DEBUG : Starting new HTTPS connection (1):
2020-11-28 03:26:52 : DEBUG : "GET /api/v0/mail/list/ HTTP/1.1" 400 18
2020-11-28 03:26:52 : DEBUG : {"error": "error"}
2020-11-28 03:26:52 : DEBUG : got resp: <Response [400]> and result {'error': 'error'}
It seems to get through the requests to GET /api/v0/domain/read/UUIDHERE HTTP/1.1
But then errors out when it starts the requests to GET /api/v0/mail/list/ HTTP/1.1
After that, it's the same Traceback
as above.
@sean If you need to see everything (i.e.: directly from my account) you know where to find it ;-) Or let me know and I can open a ticket.