OpalStack have Gitea, I have installed it, understand it and know how to use it, but it is overkill for my use case (push/pull) once per week on average.

Is it possible to have it like on WebFaction ?
Just "auth git.cgi gitweb.conf gitweb_wrapper.cgi repos static" with static web UI.

From my quick look of "gitweb.conf gitweb_wrapper.cgi " maybe it is already possible ?

  • sean replied to this.

    sasa_buklijas do you need the full gitweb UI for browsing the repo, or do you only need HTTP git access for clone, push, pull, etc?

      I would be happy with simple version like on WebFaction, it was just "HTTP git access for clone, push, pull, etc", but with some simple view only web UI behind simple password.

      this is how it look like from CLI:
      drwxr-sr-x 2 buklijas buklijas 38 Sep 11 2017 auth
      -rwx--x--x 2 buklijas buklijas 144 Sep 11 2017 git.cgi
      -rw-r--r-- 1 buklijas buklijas 419 Sep 11 2017 gitweb.conf
      -rwx--x--x 1 buklijas buklijas 160 Sep 11 2017 gitweb_wrapper.cgi
      -rw-r--r-- 1 buklijas buklijas 919 Sep 11 2017 .htaccess
      -rw-r--r-- 1 buklijas buklijas 47 Sep 11 2017 .htpasswd
      drwxr-sr-x 16 buklijas buklijas 4096 Nov 14 02:35 repos
      drwxr-sr-x 2 buklijas buklijas 84 Sep 11 2017 static

      To me it look like some simple default Git feature, or is it something WebFaction proprietary ?

      If need I can give access to my WebFaction, I have already migrate everything to OpalStack.

      • sean replied to this.
        17 days later
        a month later

        Also looking forward to this! Gitea is way overkill for my use, and I would guess for most others. Probably most significantly, it uses a lot of RAM.

        4 months later
        a month later

        FWIW and if useful to anyone, I moved my WebFaction gits to github. It's free, allows private repositories and I was able to migrate the git directly into github within minutes just by providing the webfaction git repo and credentials.
