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Opalstack has two applications PHP-FPM+NGINX and PHP-Apache for WordPress. . I don’t know much about NGINX.
What will you do to set up your own great overall WordPress? I’m a frontend developer. This is about a backend.
Most people with WordPress have used PHP+Apache for htaccess. I was looking into a rabbit hole about NGINX (pronounce engine-x) PHP-FPM. I have read from DigitalOcean’s Apache vs. NGINX Practical Considerations and Configure Together NGINX and Apache. And from NGINX’s NGINX vs. Apache: Our View of a Decade-Old Question.
Two things I have:
- SetHandler php74-cgi
- php_flag display_errors off
- Redirect non-www to www
- Redirect simply redirects both index.htm and index.html to / for both the root
- Begin and End WordPress
- Begin compression and caching
- Expire headers
- Cache-Control Headers
- Strong Htaccess Protection
- AntiSpamBlog Registration
- Block User ID Phishing Requests
- Block the scraper bot's name is 'evil scraper' (or whatever)
- protect against DOS attacks by limiting file upload size
- Stop spam attack logins and comments
- Prevent malicious xmlrpc.php directory scanning
- Personally, for sites at which I am the only author
- Allow just search engines we like, we're OPT-IN only
- Let just the good guys in, punt everyone else to the curb
- Block Blank User Agents
- Block Logins with empty User-Agent
PHP+Apache (Symbolic Link) for image files.
Can both Apache and NGINX? What will you do?
PS: I just looked at my site now from Webfaction used Firefox Add-ons Web Developer’s View Response Headers and it says server: nginx. I’m shocked that I didn’t know about it. But how does my htaccess work in NGINX?
Thanks, Mikey3D