This should be rudimentary and yet. There's basically no mention of cron in the support docs at all so I don't know if I'm not getting a local quirk or something.
I'm working on moving away from WebFaction, etc. and my existing cron line for WordPress no longer works.
wp-cron.php is at 644(as previous) and the command used to look like 00,15,30,45 * * * * /usr/local/bin/php $HOME/webapps/foo/wp-cron.php
Working from the single example of backing up a database in the docs, I've stripped this to 00,15,30,45 * * * * $HOME/apps/foo/wp-cron.php
(because including the php location/editing to /usr/bin/php also did nothing) and get permission denied. Setting the file to 755 out of curiosity allows it to execute at least but spews a bunch of errors and the WP jobs still don't run.
What am I missing here? I'm feeling pretty stupid right now but it's also late and I'm trying to absorb a bunch of new information. If it makes any sort of difference this is a manual WordPress setup and not whatever the control panel installer does.