The Opalstack Community Forum exists to provide a platform for the civil discusssion of topics related to Opalstack's web and email hosting service.
There's one simple rule: do not be a jerk.
Here are some examples of how to not be a jerk:
- Don't harass or bully other forum users.
- Don't use language or post content deemed abusive, defamatory, racist, sexist, discriminatory, ethnically offensive, threatening, obscene, illegal, or anything else that would be offensive in a civil discussion.
- Don't post spam, and don't pretend you don't know what that means.
- Don't attempt to impersonate other forum users.
- Don't create off-topic posts, reply to posts with off-topic comments, repeat-post, or cross-post the same content to multiple sections of the forum.
If you suspect that someone is being a jerk, then flag the suspected item so that the forum moderators can look into it.
If the forum moderators suspect or confirm that someone is being a jerk then we'll take whatever actions we deem necessary to resolve the issue, including the immediate suspension of forum users when appropriate.
If you have questions or concerns about this code of conduct then feel free to discuss them here. If you prefer a private discussion, then feel free to contact us.