I did not find it this in a guide, so I guess other opal users might save a click and find an answer here:

It's possible to use a more recent version of node.js by installing nvm from https://github.com/nvm-sh/nvm (you will need an ssh user).
Currently opal ships with node.js v.10.22.1. Unless you need to serve a node application, you do not need to create a node application from the control panel. You can use node anywhere. For Jamstack sites (11ty, gatsby, ...) a nginx static html5 application will do.


    Thanks for sharing! ❤️

    3 months later

    Hi pecus
    if I understand it means that you can install node.js also in a Django app created via the control panel, right?

    • sean replied to this.

      andywar65 node.js - ie the node and npm executables - is installed systemwide and available for use wherever you need it. You don't need to install a separate copy of it unless you need a different version for something.

        a year later

        sean I think you meant npm rather than nvm, Sean? npm is for installing Node packages, nvm manages different versions of Node and isn't (AFAICT) installed systemwide. (Only people wanting to manage different Node versions would need nvm).

        • sean replied to this.

          Reference : https://community.opalstack.com/d/636-install-node-and-npm-without-having-to-sudo/3

          mkdir -p ~/opt/src 
          cd ~/opt/src
          wget https://nodejs.org/download/release/v18.1.0/node-v18.1.0-linux-x64.tar.xz
          cd ~/opt
          tar xf src/node-v18.1.0-linux-x64.tar.xz --strip 1

          Now goto your app folder (cd ~/apps/my-app) and do

          export PATH=$HOME/opt/bin:$PATH

          vsajip Yes, thanks for pointing out the typo. I've just corrected it.
