If you look at this dialog which your web interface is unable to attach, you will see that I can add an email address, set one or more mailboxes, add one or more forwarding addresses, but after that, there is no way to submit it as a new email. The only choices are cancel or click the x again to cancel. The only way to create new email addresses is to do it via the API. That's nuts! Please add a submit button to this dialog. The UI looks to be Vue or ReactJS so it's just a matter of adding a button to it to allow the user to submit.

  • sean replied to this.

    TimeHorse The button will appear after you've completed the form, ie after you've specified the local part of the address and have added a mailbox or forward to it.

    If the button does not appear under those conditions then you might be trying to create an invalid address.

    The UI is built with DaisyUI and Alpine.js.

    Okay, but if I add a username like "fred" and then click "Add Forwards Address To Email Address" and then type in "theo@timehorse.com" the button still doesn't appear!

    • sean replied to this.

      TimeHorse Would you mind sending a screenshot of the form under those conditions? Please email it to our support email address.

      Aside: this is a public forum so you might reconsider posting your email addresses here.

        sean I made up things so only the domain is not secret but I'll look into sending it to support; but the users I was suggesting are both non-existing but I am trying to send to an existing address. In the meantime, I just used the api but the opalstack on pypi didn't work either via opalstackapi.http_post_result('https://my.opalstack.com/api/v1/address/create/', [ data ]) to send the data. I get a 404

        • sean replied to this.

          TimeHorse please send your code to our support team so that we can see what the problem might be.

          TimeHorse the opalstack on pypi didn't work either via opalstackapi.http_post_result...

          If you're using the Opalstack API python wrapper there's no need to use http_post_result.

          Here's a working example:

          import opalstack
          opalapi = opalstack.Api(token='YOUR_TOKEN_HERE')
          address_data = [
                  'source': 'fred@domain.com',
                  'forwards': ['theo@domain.com',]
          new_addresses = opalapi.addresses.create(address_data)

          I have (or had…) the same issue. After long scrutinising that dialog box I finally realised that there was an extra button “add email address” that actually was the submit button.

          What I did: fill the first part of address (a domain was preselected) and suddenly there it was… took me a while to discover that it was a submit button.

          OK, I might understand, although not convinced, about not displaying the submit until som conditions are fulfilled. But would it too much to ask to make it then visible aka distinct from other buttons (see screengrab below)? The “cancel” button might deserve a distinct look as well.

          While I am at it: that focus ring (around the domain name <select />, pointed by arrow) is barely visible. Maybe try to give it sufficient contrast with the background? Accessibility 101…

            Great idea @phiw13! I'd also add that it would be helpful when the add email address is disabled to allow a tool tip (mouse over) to explain why the user can't add the address, as in, what's missing. Like, the domain of the source can't be the domain of the forward or some such nonsense.
