(the original version of this procedure is available here)
As of v5.21, Ghost is no longer compatible with MariaDB and will not run with SQLite in production mode - it will only run with MySQL v8 or higher. Opalstack doesn't provide a managed MySQL service at this time so if you want to run the latest Ghost you'll need to run your own private MySQL instance as a custom app.
The guide that follows is a modified version of a procedure originally written by @nick. The main differences are:
- It uses our built-in Ghost installer for the initial installation.
- The shell commands have been broken up into discrete numbered steps.
- The various config files and scripts are created using heredocs.
- Start and stop scripts are included for the MySQL app.
- Email configuration is included for Ghost.
The guide will set up 2 applications: a MySQL server running on a custom port and a Ghost instance. The various commands use the following placeholders which you'll need to replace with your own values:
: shell user name
: nginx proxy app 1
: the port assignment for GHOSTAPP
: nginx proxy app 2
: the port assignment for DBAPP
: mysql root user password
: ghost database name
: ghost db user name
: ghost db user password
: domain to use for the app
: your Opalstack SMTP server, either smtp.us.opalstack.com or smtp.de.opalstack.com.
: your Opalstack mailbox name
: your Opalstack mailbox password
- Create a new shell user, e.g. GHOSTUSER
- Create a new Ghost app GHOSTAPP, noting its assigned port.
- Create a NGINX proxy port app DBAPP, noting its assigned port.
- Add your site domain.
- Create a site to serve GHOSTAPP on YOURDOMAIN.COM with Let's Encrypt SSL enabled.
- Creata a mailbox and email address.
- SSH to your server using shell user GHOSTUSER. The rest of the procedure is presented as commands run as your shell user.
Setup MySQL Instance
- Create the MySQL config file:
cd ~/apps/DBAPP
mkdir -p {etc,var,tmp}
cat << EOF > ~/apps/DBAPP/etc/my.cnf
port = DBPORT
socket = /home/GHOSTUSER/apps/DBAPP/var/mysql.sock
port = DBPORT
socket = /home/GHOSTUSER/apps/DBAPP/var/mysql.sock
tmpdir = /home/GHOSTUSER/apps/DBAPP/tmp
datadir = /home/GHOSTUSER/apps/DBAPP/data
innodb_log_group_home_dir = /home/GHOSTUSER/apps/DBAPP/data
log_error = /home/GHOSTUSER/logs/apps/DBAPP/maria.log
pid_file = /home/GHOSTUSER/apps/DBAPP/var/pid
log-error = /home/GHOSTUSER/apps/DBAPP/maria.log
pid-file = /home/GHOSTUSER/apps/DBAPP/var/pid
- Download and setup MySQL:
cd ~/apps/DBAPP
wget https://dev.mysql.com/get/Downloads/MySQL-8.0/mysql-8.0.33-el7-x86_64.tar.gz
tar xzf mysql-8.0.33-el7-x86_64.tar.gz --strip-components=1
~/apps/DBAPP/bin/mysqld --defaults-file=/home/GHOSTUSER/apps/DBAPP/etc/my.cnf --initialize-insecure --user=$USER --datadir=$PWD/data --tmpdir=$PWD/tmp
- Start the MySQL instance:
nohup $HOME/apps/DBAPP/bin/mysqld_safe --defaults-file=$HOME/apps/DBAPP/etc/my.cnf --socket=$HOME/apps/DBAPP/var/mysql.sock > $HOME/logs/apps/DBAPP/nohup.out 2>&1 &
- Login, set the root password, and create the Ghost DB+user:
~/apps/DBAPP/bin/mysql -P DBPORT -S $HOME/apps/DBAPP/var/mysql.sock -u root -e "ALTER USER 'root'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'DBAPPROOTPWD';
create database GHOSTDBNAME;
create user 'GHOSTDBUSER'@'localhost' identified by 'DBAPPUSERPWD';
grant usage on *.* to 'GHOSTDBUSER'@'localhost';
grant all on GHOSTDBNAME.* to 'GHOSTDBUSER'@'localhost';
- Create the start and stop scripts:
cat << EOF > ~/apps/DBAPP/start
trap '' HUP
nohup /home/GHOSTUSER/apps/DBAPP/bin/mysqld_safe --defaults-file=/home/GHOSTUSER/apps/DBAPP/etc/my.cnf --socket=/home/GHOSTUSER/apps/DBAPP/var/mysql.sock > /home/GHOSTUSER/logs/apps/DBAPP/nohup.out 2>&1 &
chmod +x ~/apps/DBAPP/start
cat << EOF > ~/apps/DBAPP/stop
/home/GHOSTUSER/apps/DBAPP/bin/mysqladmin -u root -P DBPORT -S /home/GHOSTUSER/apps/DBAPP/var/mysql.sock -p shutdown
chmod +x ~/apps/DBAPP/stop
- Make a note of the following commands which you will use to start and stop the database server when needed:
- Start:
- Stop:
Setup Ghost Instance
- Delete the initial "ghost" instance subdirectory:
cd ~/apps/GHOSTAPP
rm -rf ghost
- Create a new "ghost" instance subdirectory and install Ghost into it:
source ./setenv
mkdir ghost
cd ghost
ghost install local --port GHOSTPORT --log file --no-start
- Create the Ghost config file for production, disable default config files:
cat << EOF > ~/apps/GHOSTAPP/ghost/config.production.json
"url": "https://YOURDOMAIN.COM",
"server": {
"host": "",
"port": GHOSTPORT },
"database": {
"client": "mysql",
"connection": {
"host": "",
"port": DBPORT,
"user": "GHOSTDBUSER",
"password": "GHOSTDBUSERPWD",
"database": "GHOSTDBNAME"
"paths": {
"contentPath": "/home/GHOSTUSER/apps/GHOSTAPP/ghost/content/"
"logging": {
"level": "info",
"rotation": {
"enabled": true
"transports": [
"path": "/home/GHOSTUSER/logs/apps/GHOSTAPP/"
"mail": {
"transport": "SMTP",
"options": {
"host": "SMTPSERVER",
"port": 587,
"secure": false,
"auth": {
"user": "MAILBOX",
"pass": "MAILBOXPWD"
- Restart the app:
Immediately visit your Ghost admin URL https://YOURDOMAIN.COM/ghost/ and create your admin user. If this process appears to hang then after about 15-20 seconds click the button again and you should be directed to a Ghost login page.
Make a note of the following commands which you will use to start and stop the Ghost instance when needed:
- Start:
- Stop:
At this point the setup is complete and you can go to https://YOURDOMAIN.COM/ghost/ to make whatever site-specific configuration changes you want.
Updates and maintenance
To run the ghost
command for updates and other maintenance tasks, first set your shell path by running the following command:
source ~/apps/GHOSTAPP/setenv
You'll then be able to run ghost
for updates etc, for example:
source ~/apps/GHOSTAPP/setenv
cd $HOME/apps/GHOSTAPP/ghost
ghost backup
ghost update
More ghost commands are documented at: https://ghost.org/docs/ghost-cli/.