I have a Django website that was working for years on Opalstack without issues. I have a contact us form on the website that allows people to send me a message. As far as I can tell, everything is configured correctly (e.g., Django's, EmailMessage.send works correctly and does not return an error). However, around the beginning of July (exact date is unclear since we rarely get messages via the contact us form), this seems to have stopped working. Although the EmailMessage.send appears to send the message properly, we no longer are receiving the emails at the designated address.

I have not touched the code in a couple of months, so whatever changed to break the email functionality is likely server-side. I do not think it is the SMTP authentication since EmailMessage.send would return a SMTPAuthenticationError. Is there some sort of spam filter on Opalstack's end that may be capturing these emails?

    bburan There haven't been any recent changes to our email system. Please check your domain name's DNS setup and see if your SPF and DKIM records are configured correctly. If you're using Opalstack's name servers, the DKIM record exists by default, but you'd still have to add your SPF record manually (as per https://docs.opalstack.com/user-guide/email/#spf-records-for-opalstack-email). If you're using external name servers, then you should follow the instructions in point #2 at https://docs.opalstack.com/user-guide/domains/#records-for-your-email.

    If that doesn't help, please email our support team so we can look into the specifics of the issue you're having and troubleshoot further.

    12 days later


    I have the same issue: nothing in the log, EmailMessage.send returns 1, but the mail is not sent. Any news on your end?

    P.S. I'm on smtp.de.opalstack.com

    • sean replied to this.

      tari there are no issues with the email system at this time. If you're having trouble sending mail from your app then please email our support team with the details. We'll need to know the app name, mailbox name, sender address, and recipient address.

      Problem solved. This was a new application, and I needed to add an existing forwarding address to the noreply@*.* used by the new domain. I apologise for the false alarm.
