I have a Wordpress-multisite with multiple toplevel-domains (.blog, .shop, .academy, .com) attached to it. I'm using the theme Astra which has the ability to load Google Fonts locally. But doing so gives an error on all but one subsite because of Access-Control-Allow-Origin
. Every subsite loads the fonts from the subsite that enabled this feature first.
A possible solution is adding the following to the nginx-configuration. But as I understand I would have to setup a private NGINX-app? Which feels a bit like overkill.
if ($filename ~* ^.*?\.(eot)|(otf)|(ttf)|(woff)$){
add_header Access-Control-Allow-Origin *;
I'm also using WP Super Cache at the moment which has a CDN-setting. I tried setting the domain of the first subsite as CDN, but that didn't do anything. Might W3 Total Cache be better? Or am I using or understanding this feature wrong?