peter ajinkya These are the steps that you can take to install Moodle 4.0: Create a new shell user at (In the rest of this example I'll use "shelluser" as the user name.) Create a new Apache/PHP-FPM app (I'll use "moodle" as the app name.) Edit the new Apache/PHP-FPM to set its PHP version to 8.0. Go to and add the domain and site entries. Go to and create a new MariaDB database and user. Get your shell user and MariaDB user passwords from Log in to SSH as your shell user and run the following commands: # Make your moodle data directory. # I'll use "moodledata" but it can be whatever you want. # This has to be located outside of the apps directory. mkdir ~/moodledata # Get the moodle software. # Change "moodle" at the end to match your own app name. cd ~/apps git clone -b MOODLE_400_STABLE git:// moodle # Configure PHP and run the installer. cd ~/apps/moodle echo "max_input_vars = 5000" > .user.ini export PHP_INI_SCAN_DIR=/etc/opt/remi/php80/php.d:$PWD php80 $PWD/admin/cli/install.php The installer will present you with a series of questions, answer as follows: Language: en Data directory permission: 2711 Web address: the site URL from step 4 above. Data directory: /home/shelluser/moodledata (or whatever you used for the data directory in step 3 above) DB driver: mariadb DB host: hit enter DB name: your DB from step 5 Table prefix: hit enter DB port: hit enter Unix socket: hit enter DB user: your DB user from step 5 DB password: your DB password from step 6 Full site name: whatever you want Short name for site: whatever you want Admin user info: whatever you want Upgrade key: leave empty Terms and conditions: y After accepting the conditions, the installer will populate the DB and configure the installation. When the installer is complete, you can visit the site you created in step 4 to log in and start using Moodle.