Just dropping by to say I've installed MX Linux on a spare laptop, and will be using that for all new Web development moving forward (I'm not advertising, just saying what I'm up to).

My Linux expert brother has been trying to get me away from Windows for over ten years now, lol. When I was forced to use Win11 on a new laptop, I decided to make the change. Linux is different, but I like challenges and so far so good; really liking what I see.

If there's anything I should know about using Linux with Opalstack, please share. 😀

Welcome to the Linux family!

Of course we use it here ourselves @ Opalstack, and if anything it will get you more familiar and comfortable using the command line over SSH on our servers: https://docs.opalstack.com/user-guide/server-access/#ssh-access

I'm sure there are others here on the forum who use it also that can bring some tips of encouragement to you 😄
