To check your RAM usage run: smem -tk
- If you're on a shared server, use the second-to-last column "PSS" (proportional set size) which is a "fair" way to measure RAM usage when multiple customers are using shared memory.
- If you're on a VPS or dedicated server, use the last column in the output "RSS" (resident set size).
Re bandwidth usage we don't yet have a system in place for you to track that but you can estimate it from your web server logs, eg...
for s in $PWD/logs/sites/*; do
traf=$( cat $s/access.txt | awk '{total += $10} END {print (total>"") ? total : 0}' );
for l in $( find $s -name "access*gz" ); do
(( traf+=$( zcat $l | awk '{total += $10} END {print (total>"") ? total : 0}' ) ))
echo "$( basename $s ): $(( $traf/1024/1024 )) MB"
...will get you the total MB per site for the past 7 days (ie the available logging period).