You can do a source build of trilium instead of using the packaged build. This way everything will be build against the glibc that's installed on the server.
First, go to your Opalstack dashboard and create an Nginx Proxy Port app to reserve a port assignment for your Trilium instance. You can see the assigned port at
# install
scl enable devtoolset-10 bash
mkdir -p ~/opt
cd ~/opt
tar xf node-v16.13.1-linux-x64.tar.xz
mv node-v16.13.1-linux-x64 node
export PATH=$HOME/opt/node/bin:$PATH
git clone -b stable
cd trilium
npm install
npm rebuild
# run
export PATH=$HOME/opt/node/bin:$PATH
export TRILIUM_PORT=XXXXX # replace XXXXX with your port assignment
cd ~/opt/trilium
nohup node src/www &
# press enter again
At this point Trilium should be running in the background and listening on the assigned port.
Hope this helps 🙂