I am attempting to migrate a handful of websites from webfaction to opalstack. I super late on this considering webfaction shuts down on 9/15.
Anyway, I populated my first migration config with a simple wordpress site as a test and received the following errors.
[russturley@opal8 ~]$ wfmigrate wordpress config.ini --mode simulate
## The following error was encountered during operation: Unrecognized deploy_type: (Apache-CGI or Nginx-FPM) (expected one of ['Apache-CGI', 'Nginx-FPM'])
## Please ensure that you are modifying the latest version of the configuration template:
## /opt/app_migrators/wf_wordpress/config-template.ini
## If you have any questions, please contact Support, and include the follwing error information for debugging:
2021-09-12 18:12:03 : ERROR : Unrecognized deploy_type: (Apache-CGI or Nginx-FPM) (expected one of ['Apache-CGI', 'Nginx-FPM'])
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/local/bin/wfmigrate", line 109, in <module>
migrator = __import__(module).Migrator(cfg, args)
File "/opt/app_migrators-1.12.2/wf_wordpress/migrator.py", line 31, in __init__
self.php_cfg = PhpCfg(cfg['php'])
File "/opt/app_migrators-1.12.2/lib/config_types/php_cfg.py", line 21, in __init__
raise ValueError(f'Unrecognized deploy_type: {self.deploy_type} (expected one of {DEPLOY_TYPES})')
ValueError: Unrecognized deploy_type: (Apache-CGI or Nginx-FPM) (expected one of ['Apache-CGI', 'Nginx-FPM'])