What actions and in which order to perform to cancel a website powered by the private php-fpm stack ?
Does the server automatically perform something ?
The following are the resources and objects which we remember at this point - assuming
applications demo_app and fpm2demo_app
(1) fpm process
.stop <-- do we need to stop the process ?
(2) site route
fpm2demo_app <-- do we switch to demo_app ?
(3) application
fpm2demo_app <-- ok to delete after (2) ?
(4) demo_app <-- ok to delete after (3) ?
(5) demo_app <-- ok to delete website now ?
(6) Let's Encrypt certificate <-- ok to del now ?
or just let it expire ?
(7) demo.app domain <-- free now ?
(8) server folders and resources
(a) demo_app <-- deleted by server (4)?
(b) fpm2demo_app <-- deleted by server (3)?
(c) port allocated to demo_app <-- released (3)?
(9) email resources
(a) xxx@demo.app <-- how to del with Python ?
(10) anything else to remember ?
Thanks in advance for any advice &
thanks for providing excellent instructions how to setup and run a private php-fpm stack !