mikey3d An Opal1 site is currently DOWN (HTTP 500 - Internal Server Error) for more than an hour. It happened at 6:05 am EST. Your status site doesn't say anything.
houdinihound It's the /tmp directory on opal1 that's full. All my stuff is down too. This appears to have slipped past their internal watchdog processes. I've emailed support and hopefully they'll resolve soon.
style2joy PHP sites are down for more than 2 hours now 🙁 NodeJS apps and database are working.. Is there a way to contact/reach out to support other than email?
houdinihound style2joy Not that I know of. These issues will become less problematic as they bring on staff in different timezones. But yes, almost everything that might write a temp file is not working it seems... postgres, backups, sites, etc.
mwolfe02 My PHP sites (DokuWiki and Wordpress) and Ghost site are down. My old school plain HTML and Django sites appear to be fine.
mikey3d sean "The problem was that the system /tmp directory (which is shared by all users) was full. It's cleared now and everything is working normally at this time." Can you programming automate clear /tmp directory when it gets closer to full shared by all users?