(1) Why is it sometimes difficult, almost impossible to get content uploaded to vps116.opalstack.com by any vps user of ours if one uses FileZilla client for sftp ?
(2) Timeout errors with filezilla sometimes prevent uploads for hours, why ?
i.e. is there is heavy traffic/load/ in
(a) opalstack server ?
(b) transatlantic connections btw Europe-USA ?
(c) too many concurrent sftp connections for opalstack servet ?
(3) Does file transfer protocol require something special or enough free resources in opalstack server to establish sftp connection for sftp clients ?
(4) Changing timings for filezille won't help.
(5) ftptest.net for any vps user of ours for vps116.ipalstack.com displayed:
"timeout propably due to server firewall or router"
why ?
(6) vps116.opalstack.com does repond in timely manner for example with:
(a) termius ssh client for Andround
i.e. any of our vps users can connect
(b) ping ok
i.e why is sftp not working when server is online and running for other kind of clients ?
(7) is there a max for typo errors when keying in
vps user for example ?
(8) should we not try uploading to vps116.opalstack.com in SF/CA
with FileZilla client in certain
(a) days ?
(b) times ?
or locations
(c) from Europe ?
These timing problems trying to establish secure connection with filezilla to vps116.opalstack.com seldom happen - but once they do, one may have to wait hours to get files uploaded.
Thanks in advance for any advice !