This is probably a dumb question, but is there a way to access/test a newly-set-up site before pointing the official domain name servers to opalstack? Iā€™m moving some sites from webfaction, and would like to test the site before changing nameservers.

  • sean replied to this.

    cstrombe Add your Opalstack server IP and domains to your own computer's hosts file, eg:

    Your domain will then resolve to the Opalstack server IP for you only so that you can test your sites prior to cutting your NS over to us.

    Instructions for editing your hosts file are available at:

    6 months later

    Hello Sean,

    Would a https Certificate work during this test ? i have already added a certificate for the domain i m testing but i m getting insecure connexion all the time !


    Nevermind, all was needed is a little bit of time and patience šŸ˜†

      twiago soon we'll be rolling out some upgrades that will make it so you'll need a lot less time and a lot less patience šŸ™‚
