• smart phone GUI rocks, thanks opalstack!
    ~ search feature more than welcome for
    applications, site routes, domains, certificates to name few - workstation users with big screens have that option
    ~ sometimes those using mobile phones complain "I don't see any info/that feature/.." whereas big screen users say "read documents if you don't see it/understand" although these situation may be due "responsive design"/ html5 / smart phone OS, for example
    1) you may not see anything, no content for
  • applications, domains, site routes etc
    while having your smart phone as you normally use it
    2) after you tilt/turn your phone 90 degrees
    you still don't see nothing, go to (1)
    3) after having repeated (1) (2) you may see at least some content, however you may not have the same buttons, features, content available as those with big screens


  • mobile work possible with smart phones using opalstack control panel
  • possibilyty to use smart phones without being mobile - even via WiFi response times are ok & you save space and your back

Thank you for your feedback. At this time the dashboard is not optimized for small screens at all. We'll keep this in mind as we continue to build out and improve the service.
