Consider for programs which acces values from database to display the form after the program has the values i.e. not to display the form with empty values and after that starting to access databases. If not possible and/or difficult to implement then consider using a different form for output
Example: on last Friday 11th of December was often so slow that it took several minutes and sometimes even after a coffee break the Site Route radio button to depict whether the site has LE Certificate or not, unfortunately displayed empty although the site did have the LE Certicate. One may do a wrong decision just looking that radio button status without knowing its true value. This same radio button
is used in input phase to try get LE Certicate which may not necessary succeed the first time you click it. That's one reason some guys got nervous seeing this radio button value empty. The opalstack server did fetch the right values for configurations such as Site Route,
it just took very long time last Friday. Perhaps having "Pending" status for data being accessed would just do it thereby allowing to use the same form for both input and output ?