Hi, folks. I'm new to Opalstack, having just come from years and years at WebFaction. I've hosted a couple sites at WF and they've been sort of set-and-forget, only updated via WordPress. So I'm flummoxed by a lot of what I have to do to get up and running. Pardon some really ignorant questions, like:
Once I've migrated my WordPress sites, what then to connect by domains to my Wordpress? My domains are registered via Hover.com. If I'm reading the OS docs correctly, I just have to set the OS name servers (ns1.us.opalstack.com, etc.) into the Hover.com interface for my domain. But so far, my domains are not connected. Am I just being impatient? I know it can take 24 hours or more to propagate changes, but my experience has been that it's usually a whole lot faster.
Appreciate your insights — and patience. This likely the first of a whole bunch of questions :-|