christer It's been a few hours that opal5 does not repond to ssh (message: host is down), but ping is OK and sites are working. Nothing reported on the system status
houdinihound christer not sure this helps but I'm on opal5 and can ssh without any issues. Loads look ok and there are about another 10 users logged in at the moment. Do you perhaps have firewall rules stopping you from SSHing?
sean christer we've had no problems with SSH on opal5 today except for what you're reporting, and I've not been able to locate any problems for your shell users in the system logs. Were you able to SSH to other hosts at that time?
christer Guys! Thanks for your input. Earlier in the day I had launched an update of the Little Snitch firewall and not yet rebooted my MacBook. It turned out that the installation without reboot blocked SSH. So, my fault!