I'm slowly transitioning web and email services from Webfaction to Opalstack.
I would like to move our website over to Opalstack and keep our email service at Webfaction until I have figured out how to transfer all the mail of our users over as well.
I've managed (I'm not very experienced at this) to move our website over and updated the NS records at our domain registrar to point at opalstack's nameservers. I then created an MX record in my opalstack control panel to point at the webfaction mail server.
Whereas website access is basically working (have to figure out something to do with certificates), the email service is not working: sending mail to the relevant address is being blocked by Webfaction ("Client host rejected: Access denied" is what's in the bounce message header), though I can still send mail from the address.
What is the correct way to configure my usage situation? Should I leave the NS records at the domain registrar pointing at WF and create A records there to point to the website hosted by Opalstack? Or something else?
Thanks for your help!