msampaio Hello, How do I add LaTeX and BibTeX extensions to nginx mime-types locally in a static app? Is it possible? Thanks
sean msampaio There's no local config options for static apps at this time. If you can let me know the specific extensions and mime types you need then we can probably add them upstream in the main config.
msampaio sean I'd appreciate it if you could add these extensions to the main config: tex (LaTeX sty (LaTeX bib (BibTeX ly (Lilypond, Music Notation Software krn (Humdrum, Music anaylsis format md
msampaio sean, see below: text/x-tex tex; text/x-tex sty; text/x-tex cls; text/plain bib; text/plain ly; text/plain krn; text/plain md;
sean msampaio Thanks! I've opened an internal ticket to have this done and will follow up here when it's rolled out.