I'm playing with the Opalstack Python API, I am retrieving all the sites with a token:
import opalstack
opalapi = opalstack.Api(token="my_token")
sites = opalapi.sites.list_all(embed=["server", "domains", "primary_domain"])
Using the "embed" filter, I get names of servers, domains etc., not only their UUID (more human readable!).
In the returned JSON there is a particular key that interests me (here is just an example):
'routes': [{'id': '6825c2e6-...-ef07ee7fe511', 'app': '0655f5db-...-4cdeee1f19ed', 'uri': '/'}]
Each "route" in the array has the UUID of an app associated to the site. Is it possible to retrieve the name of each app with the "embed" filter? Of course i could loop over the route array and retrieve each app using it's UUID, but it would take longer.
Thanks in advance, as always