What is the minimum Filezilla
version the server we use
requires ?
Which Ubuntu version
comes and/or is capable to upgrade
its Filezilla to the version
your server requires ?
Do you use or know who does use
any Ununtu version with required
Filezilla version ? which one ? URL ?
Please note the following
challenges we face when updating our
edge devives for your server upgrades
(which were well done):
- the latest Filezilla may require
a newer Ubuntu OS
- that newer Ubuntu OS may require
a newer edge device
ref by Peter:
We rolled out a security update on our
SSH/SFTP configuration a couple of months
ago to patch our servers against
the Terrapin vulnerability.
This update removed some
outdated/inferior key exchange algorithms
(like, for example, Diffie-Hellman Group 1 SHA1).
The errors recorded in the server logs
regarding your recent connection attempts
look like this:
vps116 sshd[26405]:
Unable to negotiate with port 45756:
no matching key exchange method found.
Their offer: diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha256,diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha1,diffie-hellman-group14-sha1,diffie-hellman-group1-sha1,rsa2048-sha256,rsa1024-sha1 [preauth]
I think the error you're seeing is likely
to be caused by an outdated version of
FileZilla installed on your Ubuntu workstation.
Please try updating your FileZilla client
to the latest version
(available at https://filezilla-project.org)
and let us know if the problem persists
after that.
Peter from (((Opalstack