• GeneralEmail
  • When I mark an email as junk on my local client, what happens? On Roundcube?

I'm not sure if this is an "Opalstack" question, but...

I use Thunderbird on my local PC to check and retrieve email. A message hits my inbox that is junk, so I "mark as Junk."

What happens then? I know that Thunderbird talks to the mail server to manage my emails and folders, but I don't understand if "junk" is a filter that's created on my local machine or in the mail server on Opalstack.

I'm also not sure if this is different if I login using the RoundCube webmail tool.

And does "mark as junk" locally or via RoundCube contribute to any kind of universal blocklists or reporting?

Sorry for the very naive email questions...

When you mark a message as Junk in Thunderbird, the application trains its built-in spam filter with the message and then files or deletes the message according to the application settings (under Privacy & Security > Junk). If you're using POP3 to read your mail then any filing will be in a local mail folder, if you're using IMAP then it will be in a server-side folder (unless you configure otherwise). Regardless of POP or IMAP, Thunderbird's spam filter is a local filter but there's the possibility of extensions that might do remote spam training, notify block lists, etc.

When you mark a message as Junk in Roundcube, the application only files or deletes the message according to your settings (under Preferences > Server Settings). Roundcube is an IMAP client, so all of the filing is done in server-side folders. No spam training is performed automatically at this time, but we do hope to make that happen in the future.
