andrebr In PHP application I am getting the error "wrapper is disabled in the server configuration by allow_url_fopen = 0" I created a .user.ini file in the application directory, but it had no effect
klynton Hi, exec and allow_url_fopen are features we have to turn on for you (for now) send us a support ticket with the application name(s) and we'll get it added. Edit: you can now enable those items by editing your app at
veronicaC andrebr — while the Knowledgebase instructions state to put the .user.ini inside your application directory, note that the file must be placed inside the public directory for your application (if indeed that directory is different than the application directory itself). I have an application where this is the case, and once I put the .user.ini inside my public directory (e.g., ~/apps/myApp/public/.user.ini) my directive changes are showing as overrides in phpinfo() output.
veganoutreach In case anyone finds this through a Google search you can turn on exec and allow_url_fopen in the app itself in the edit settings.