HelenaGwyn I installed an Action Runner for my Gitea-instance. I use the command nohup ~/.local/bin/act_runner daemon --config ~.local/etc/act_runner.yaml > ~/logs/apps/app-name/act_runner.log 2>&1 & to run it, but it goes offline after a while. I assume I have to create a cronjob to keep it going but want the check first if that's the right way to go.
sean I definitely recommend using a cron job to ensure your background processes stay running. You could also look into using a process manager like supervisord, but even with that you'll want a cron job to ensure that supervisord stays running.
HelenaGwyn sean Hi, my runner still goes offline from time to time. It's implemented with supervisord. What cronjob do I need to implement to keep supervisord running?
HelenaGwyn Initially asked about how to install and use supervisord but got it running searching other posts on the forum.
nick HelenaGwyn You can create a script to check and restart it if it's not running as per Sean's post, here. Hope this helps.