cbiweb I received an email with this message: "Lets Encrypt certificate renewal failed for site: [mysite]. We will retry the renewal process automatically in 36 hours." What do I need to do? I've never gotten this before.
sean cbiweb failures are usually caused by one of the following: If you have domains/subdomains attached to your site that are no longer pointing at your Opalstack server then the renewal will fail. If that's the case, either remove the items from the site config or re-point the items at your Opalstack server. Temporary errors from letsencrypt.org - there's nothing you can do except wait on this one. In any case, there might be more information about the failure in your notice log at https://my.opalstack.com/logs/. If none of that seems to fit then feel free to email the details to the support team and we'll look into it further.