overtime first, create an Nginx Proxy Port app and make a note of its port number, then assign the app to a site.
Next, you'll need a newer version of cmake which you can install like so:
mkdir -p ~/opt/src
cd ~/opt/src
export PREFIX=$HOME/opt
export PATH=$PREFIX/bin:$PATH
wget https://github.com/Kitware/CMake/releases/download/v3.22.3/cmake-3.22.3-linux-x86_64.tar.gz
tar zxf cmake-3.22.3-linux-x86_64.tar.gz
mv cmake-3.22.3-linux-x86_64/* ~/opt/
Next, you'll install gollum with ruby30 like so, replacing "name_of_app" with your proxy port app name:
mkdir -p ~/apps/name_of_app/wiki
cd ~/apps/name_of_app/wiki
git init
cd ..
scl enable rh-ruby30 -- gem install gollum
You can then start gollum with ruby30 like so, replacing 55555 with your port number and "name_of_app" with your app name:
( nohup scl enable rh-ruby30 -- gollum -p 55555 ~/apps/name_of_app/wiki > ~/logs/apps/name_of_app/gollum.log 2>&1 & )
At this point your Gollum site should be working. If you want to stop Gollum, you can kill the process like so, again replacing 55555 with your port number:
pkill -f "gollum -p 55555"
Hope this helps 🙂