i'm just getting started here and didn't see any mention of MQTT in the discussion boards, so I thought I'd ask. I'm going to work on a project with a friend that will send some data from IOT sensors over MQTT to a server and eventually into a database. I know how I'd host the database and any consuming applications within OpalStack, but I was wondering if it might also be possible to host an MQTT Client (and even better, the MQTT Broker) in my Opal account. Does anyone have experience with these? (I may have a slight preference to Python over Node)
I'm familiar with the topology of an MQTT architecture but I haven't personally set one up before, so I welcome guidance if I'm thinking about this the wrong way.
My current use case: Sending occassional readings from some sensors in the garden back to a hosted database for archiving/visualization. Figured I'd use MariaDB, because I know it and can host here, instead of trying to get fancy with things like time-series databases just yet.