Planka is an open source project management tool:
To install it on your Opalstack account:
Add your domain if you've not done so already.
Create a new shell user.
Create a new "Nginx Proxy Port" app assigned to the new shell user. Make a note of the app's port assignment
Create a new site using your domain and the new app with Let's Encrypt SSL enabled.
Create a new PostgreSQL database user.
Create a new PostgreSQL database assigned to the new database user.
Go to and make a note of your new database password.
Log into a SSH session as your new shell user.
Run the following commands to install the app, replacing "name_of_user" and "name_of_app" with your own:
cd ~/apps/name_of_app
tar xf node-v16.18.1-linux-x64.tar.xz
mv node-v16.18.1-linux-x64 node
export PATH=$PWD/node/bin:$PATH
echo "export PATH=$PWD/node/bin:\$PATH" >> ~/.bashrc
npm install pm2@latest -g
git clone
cd planka
npm install
cd client
npm run build
ln -s /home/name_of_user/apps/name_of_app/planka/client/build/asset-manifest.json /home/name_of_user/apps/name_of_app/planka/server/public/asset-manifest.json
ln -s /home/name_of_user/apps/name_of_app/planka/client/build/favicon.ico /home/name_of_user/apps/name_of_app/planka/server/public/favicon.ico
ln -s /home/name_of_user/apps/name_of_app/planka/client/build/logo192.png /home/name_of_user/apps/name_of_app/planka/server/public/logo192.png
ln -s /home/name_of_user/apps/name_of_app/planka/client/build/logo512.png /home/name_of_user/apps/name_of_app/planka/server/public/logo512.png
ln -s /home/name_of_user/apps/name_of_app/planka/client/build/manifest.json /home/name_of_user/apps/name_of_app/planka/server/public/manifest.json
ln -s /home/name_of_user/apps/name_of_app/planka/client/build/robots.txt /home/name_of_user/apps/name_of_app/planka/server/public/robots.txt
ln -s /home/name_of_user/apps/name_of_app/planka/client/build/static /home/name_of_user/apps/name_of_app/planka/server/public/static
ln -s /home/name_of_user/apps/name_of_app/planka/client/build/index.html /home/name_of_user/apps/name_of_app/planka/server/views/index.ejs
cd ../server
cp .env.sample .env
# make a note of the output of the next command
openssl rand -hex 64
Edit ~/apps/name_of_app/planka/server/.env
to set the following variables, replacing the various values with your own:
SECRET_KEY=use the output of the openssl command in the previous step
PORT=use your port assignment from step 3
Start the app with the following command, replacing "name_of_app" with your app name:
pm2 start --name "name_of_app" "npm run db:init && npm start --prod"
Visit the URL of the site that you created in step 4.
Log in as demo@demo.demo with password: demo
Click your username in the top right corner, then "edit settings".
Change your username, email address, and password.
Click the team icon (looks like a group of people) near the top right.
Add your team.
At that point you should be ready to create projects and start using the software.